Ok so my level of autism is moderate to severe.
They say at my level of severity we shouldn't be able to achieve
and if we do achieve then how can we be moderate to severe autism.
I look normal
I am a neuro diverse individual
I have multiple neuro diverse needs
Sensory Processing Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder
Catatonia related to Autism.
But is Autism what we think it is
is everyone with Autism incapable of achieving anything
Does society perceptions of autistic individuals
limits our ability to achieve
and make us more disabled over time.
I believe so
Society sees the labels
and gives up hope
on us
ever achieving anything in life.
We start of with a neuro diverse need
a different way of thinking and being.
but no one sees the
potential within us
unless your that
that does see potential
Instead we end up with being
severely disabled
by society miss perceptions
of our abilities.
Autism instead is a
mind-body disconnect
I am able
I will
I am determined
to achieve.
Don't be put of by
my inability to control my movements
making it appear
I am unable
understand or express myself.
Well in the conventional
ways anyways.
I communicate in a different way.
My best mode of communication
is with typing.
I can understand what
you say to me
most of the time
accept when I'm in a severe
sensory overload
or the choice of words
are beyond my abilities to
process that degree of
due to my
auditory processing issues.
I am able
I am Autistic and I am proud of it
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