Sunday, 26 June 2016

Jesus as a Minority - How it Relates to me as a Disabled Person

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans
I have for you
Plans to give you
a hope 
and a future. 

This resonates with me 
at the moment 
I'm going through 
Many stressful events
at the moment.

It reminds that
I need to put 
my full trust
in God.

But I also 
wonder how the verse
relates to us
as disabled people
and being a 
minority group.

I see it
like this.
Jesus was a minority
there was only one of him

So in a way
this reminds me 
of the disabled sector
and how we feel
Not included 
by society
at times.

I think Jesus
also felt
but he 
remained with 
a open heart
for whenever
people are ready.

In a way
that is like us
we are waiting and ready 
to let people in
when they choose
they want to associate with us.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Invisible becomes Visible Disability

So when does invisible becomes a visible disability. 
My neuro-diverse needs
are invisible 
to the naked eye
unless you know
what you are looking for.

But what if you were
to suddenly throw in
a visible
physical disability
into the mix.

Yes! Thats Right!
I have a physical disability.
I had not really
thought of this before,
until I became aware
that in fact it was
a visible disability,
but it remained
a hidden
visible physical disability.

Until it became clearly
a visible physical disability.
I have 2 drop foots,
no one knows why.
But the fact remains that 
I do!

All my life I did not
know there was a reason
why I tripped up over
my own feet.

As much as it
can be so
insanely funny
that I appear
to fall

I did not know
it was the drop feet
making it
that I was
so insanely incredibly 
a funny accident
for others 
to laugh upon 
and point
at me
all through out
my high school years.

Throw in
2 orthotic ankle braces.
As much as it helps me
to walk better
with ease!

It directly points out
that I'm disabled.
The sudden stares
I now get directly looking
at my feet.

By others that appear
to be uncomfortable
with the fact
that yes
I'm disabled.

But why suddenly 
look at my feet
when all 
you've done
is point out 
my Autistic behaviours.

My hand flapping
My rocking
My pacing
My thumb sucking!

Do I suddenly
look disabled
I have
foot braces!

I actually
find your behaviours
insanely funny.

I gladly accept
you now point out
my visible physical disability.

It redirects you
from my 
neuro-diverse behaviours.

you will now accept
my neuro-dirvse 

why does it take
foot braces
to accept 
I am disabled.

Couldn't you accept 
prior to this
that Ive been
disabled since the day
I was born.

Or should I say
because society
see me as abnormal
and defective
that you had 
to bully
my neuro-diverse needs
my whole life.

I look forward to the day
that you experience
what it is like
to be different
and to succeed in life
just like
all the so called
"normal" individuals. 

Welcome, I can assure 
you that you
are already different
because there 
no such thing,

Friday, 10 June 2016

Autism See the Potential Within

Ok so my level of autism is moderate to severe. 
They say at my level of severity we shouldn't be able to achieve
and if we do achieve then how can we be moderate to severe autism.
I look normal
I am a neuro diverse individual
I have multiple neuro diverse needs
Sensory Processing Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder
Catatonia related to Autism.

But is Autism what we think it is 
is everyone with Autism incapable of achieving anything
Does society perceptions of autistic individuals
limits our ability to achieve 
and make us more disabled over time.

I believe so 
Society sees the labels
and gives up hope 
on us 
ever achieving anything in life.

We start of with a neuro diverse need
a different way of thinking and being.
but no one sees the 
potential within us 
unless your that
that does see potential

Instead we end up with being 
severely disabled
by society miss perceptions
of our abilities.

Autism instead is a 
mind-body disconnect 
I am able
I will
I am determined
to achieve.

Don't be put of by 
my inability to control my movements 
making it appear
I am unable 
understand or express myself.

Well in the conventional 
ways anyways.

I communicate in a different way.
My best mode of communication 
is with typing.
I can understand what 
you say to me 
most of the time
accept when I'm in a severe 
sensory overload 
or the choice of words 
are beyond my abilities to
process that degree of 
due to my 
auditory processing issues.

I am able

I am Autistic and I am proud of it